zaterdag 20 april 2013

The talented Alice Spicer did a lasercut of one of her illustrations. So I was a bit cheeky and stole some leftovers, oh procrastination.

 And this is what I should be doing, a colour sketch of an illustration for the Central Library in Edinburgh and the beginning of the final illustration:

woensdag 10 april 2013

I love byro!
I feel like if it were to walk around it would drag it's head and would walk backwards.. So now I feel bad for creating a monster. I bet he's nice.

These are just a few, I have copied up to at least 60 animals. All for the sake of visual research.

So here we go, dinosaurs! I was working on this on the whole of January through February. I wanted to get a grasp on pre-historic animals so I copied a lot in an A5 sketchbook with byro and watercolour.

For the next few posts I want to point out that I made use of: The Complete Illustrated Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs & Prehistoric Creature, by Dougal Dixon.

Awesome book, beautiful illustrations, I absolutely love it. If you are a ancient reptile fan, it's a recommendation. So after repeatedly asking myself why I was copying all these animals I can finally look at them again and share some awesome knowledge!

maandag 1 april 2013

The tryptich I have been working on, it is about the cocaine trade in Colombia and the way it affects the enviroment, more information will follow.
My letter for a project brief. For the central library in Edinburgh.